31 March, 2009

So - erm...what??

So, ok we know you've been redundant. We get that. But why have you gone to the bother of setting up a blog and telling us about it? Jesus woman we have other things we could be doing right now.

In the past 10 months I've been surfing.

Not surfing in the original sense - hey I can't swim and besides my balance is drunken even when I'm sober.

No - I mean surfing. Through. Time, life, whatever you want to call it.

It actually scared seven colours of shite out of me when I realised that it was so long since I was made jobless.

Ten whole months??!! In all that time I could have done so much. If only one of the [138 and counting] jobs I have applied for came through I would be... well... better off yeah sure - but would I have been any further ''on''.

I suddenly realised that for the last 10 months I've been on PAUSE MODE. Like someone went to answer the phone during my life a year ago but never came back to watch how I end.

Well I'm tired of being on pause. I'm tired of sleeping till the afternoons are over so I don't have to live through them. I'm tired of avoiding people with jobs cause what the fuck do I say when they ask what I fill my days with.

Do I say that I spent today clearing out the shelf over the fridge and was horrified to find a half eaten foodstuff that was underneath a letter that arrived last August?

So I need something to do. And this, for the moment, is it.

I do read some blogs regularly. I read others less often. I'm neither a writer nor an aspiring one. Don't expect well crafted sentences or anything else that points to me having coherent thoughts.

What I am however is redundant. And that means I have a lot of time.

So I want to share that time with - whoever. I couldn't really give a flying one if anyone ever reads this.

I wouldn't.

If I had a job.

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